My Journey…

It was my own health struggles, which lead me to becoming a health coach…

From my earliest memories, I struggled with persistent issues related to my gut health.

Despite years of investigations by doctors, a solution remained elusive. I was told that hopefully, I would grow out of it. It was a frustrating and often disheartening experience, as traditional medical approaches fell short in providing relief. Years pass by, I felt better but not great, some symptoms were lingering from time to time.

Life took an unexpected turn when, at the age of 40, my body began to show signs of wear and tear and after welcoming my third child, the toll on me became undeniable. I felt like I was falling apart—aches in my joints, particularly my knees, made daily tasks difficult. Fatigue and brain fog became my companions. The fear of not being able to care for my family loomed over me.

Multiple visits to doctors left me feeling frustrated. Every blood test returned within the normal range, yet my body was protesting.

Holistic health embraces the notion that our well-being is a complex interplay of physical, mental, and emotional factors. It recognises that symptoms, even when blood tests appear normal, can be crucial signals from the body's communication system.

I’ve learnt that my symptoms might be telling signs of poor gut health. The intricate connection between the gut and the rest of the body became the focal point of my healing journey.

In the midst of my struggles and after years of prioritising the well-being of my family, I found the courage to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. This led me to pursue studies as a holistic & nutrition health coach.

By applying the principles I learned, I witnessed a remarkable transformation in my own life. Holistic health, meant addressing not just the physical symptoms but also nourishing my mind and spirit. Through mindful nutrition, self-care, and embracing a holistic lifestyle, I REGAINED control over the symptoms that had plagued me for years. The key was listening to my body, following my gut instincts, and embracing a holistic approach to wellness.

The road wasn't easy. It required dedication, patience, and a deep understanding of myself. There were setbacks, but with each obstacle, I discovered new strengths within.

Today, my joints are pain-free, and the exhaustion has been replaced with energy. I've not only reclaimed my old self but have become a better version. This personal victory fuels my passion to HELP WOMEN who might be facing similar struggles.

If you're on a similar journey, know that HEALING IS POSSIBLE. As a holistic health coach, I'm here to guide and support you. TOGETHER, WE CAN rediscover your path to WELLNESS.

Maria x

Health is the best

of blessings